Jobs in Dubai,Security Staff Jobs,SIRA-PSBD-DPS License SIRA Security Guards Interview for Jobs in Dubai

SIRA Security Guards Interview for Jobs in Dubai

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Urgent Requirement of Security Guards for a Leading Company in Dubai (UAE)
👌Qty. 200
👉Height: 5.6′ ft. min. can apply

👍Client Interview:
22.01.2019 in Jalandhar
23.01.2019 in Chandigarh

👉Salary & Benefits:
2262 DHS (Rs.43,800 INR) + FREE Accommodation + Transportation & other facilities will be provided by the company

➤Age: 24-40 Years (22-23 with Good Physique & Communication skills can apply)
➤Qualification: 10th min.
➤Height: 5.8′ ft. (5.6 & 5.7 ft. allowed for candidates having Good English, Physique or DPS/PSBD License or CCTV/Fire Safety experience
➤Duty: 12 Hrs.

Please complete your Documentation ASAP.
(Apply Now – Hurry Up)

For more details please Contact Us:
Contramentors Services Pvt. Ltd.
☎️: 9643043716 | 9756077770 | 8826149730.

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